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Instructional Technology Literacy Program
For Teachers In Low-Income Communities
In Lima, Peru

The Instructional Technology Project for Teachers in Low-Income Communities is a unique digital literacy plan that seeks to address and rectify the education and information access inequities caused by socio-economic status – exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic.


Our project in Lima, Peru aimed to create digitally literate instructors in content creation from any subject through video editing and green screening and provide a virtual space with a network of competent individuals. We were able to follow up on projects, interact with new and previous instructors and share and guide ideas. The project was divided into three different stages:

Stage 1
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Asynchronously, before our arrival, we connected with the instructors in a virtual classroom. We were looking to be to learn about their current instructional technology practices, their needs, and the resources they have. Following the needs assessment, we created and recorded content for the instructors to familiarize them with video editing and green screening.

Stage 2



This stage required us to travel and be physically in Lima, Peru, for one week. During our visit, we facilitated instructors to gain hands-on experience to record and make stunning educational videos that would help their students maximize their learning and stay connected.

Stage 3


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Online follow-up. The main objective of Stage 3 was to monitor the progress and provide support to the instructors involved in the project once or twice a week.

After the workshop, we had an online follow-up. The main objective of this stage is to continue monitoring, providing guidance, and developing projects with the instructors synchronously and asynchronously. 

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